Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Squirrels in the Attic

No, it's not a movie.  Our newest cat addition when hunting in the attic and brought back a prized catch which it promptly took to the bathroom to finish gutting.

Thank goodness I wasn't home at the time.  My SO was and had to deal with the carcass and the cat.  He was so proud of the gift he'd presented.

Fur, blood and guts all over the bathroom.  At least he had the sense to take it to a tiled room so that clean up would be less unpleasant. 

This is our third encounter with a squirrel in the house.  At this point, we're no longer interested in saving the vermin.  Funny how certain encounters will do that.  Kinda like the beggers downtown.  I used to have compassion.  Now I just glare at them.

Kinda like the folks that have gotten us into this financial mess.  Where is their tiled room?

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