Saturday, September 8, 2007

Vacation Time!!!!

I save up for this all year. I save my vacation days in anticipation for our annual trip to the gulf coast. It's where I recharge for the next year. Where I relax and scream at my children less. I love the coast. There's something about the sand and wind and rhythm of the water that sooths my soul.

It's worth the 7 hour drive and the sacrifices we make in our lives to be able to afford this. Not just worth it but necessary. It heals the battle wounds of the year. It takes me away from the political turmoil and the venom flying around in the city even if for only a few moments.

We'll be hitting the road in a few minutes. The computer will be shut down, the hot water heater put on vacation and the thermostat reset. Friends are taking care of the cats and the house. The dogs are going with us this year. I'm ready.

I'm still selling the MG.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Keepin' It Real

Life has a funny way of keeping things real. Yesterday, we put out a shameless solicitation for cookies that my son bakes and sells. He does Kendo which is a form of Japanese martial arts and enjoys it. There are tournaments and equipment and travel involved so we told him that he would have to help finance this little endeavor. Our friends and family stepped up to the plate beautifully. I was feeling all glowie inside.

Then today happened and what do I end up spending most of my morning on? Cleaning out the sewer line running from the house. Talk about a real downer. Stinky. Dirty and heavy. I don't ever want to do that again. I will have to but I don't want to.

I'm still selling the MG