Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

We have good news!

So, a friend suggests that I send an email to Cindy Wolff with the Commercial Appeal and let her know what was going on about the kittens. I do. She writes me back and--long story short--she puts us in touch with the Director at the animal shelter. We weren't able to save the other babies but we did end up saving a cute as a button 4 week old kitten. We've also been set up to help with the rescue and adoption program.

Ernie was very nice and apologetic. He seems very eager to work with us and is grateful for our help. My partner has another meeting with him set up for Thursday. I'm not sure what details need to be worked out but am certain there are a few.

I don't think we could have done this without Cindy's help and we are eternally grateful to my friend to for the suggestion and to Cindy for the help. I'm sure it will be a great adventure from here.

I'll have pictures soon.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


My partner was coming home from a secret shop out by the animal shelter and felt this overwhelming urge to go. Once she got there, she went on the cat side and saw in a cage 3 tiny not yet weened (or shouldn't be anyway) kittens. She went to the front and offered to foster them. They shouldn't have been there. There was no mother and here was NO way they were eating solid food. NOBODY at the shelter would let her bring them home and in fact, one of the workers said they usually just let them die.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS????? What happened to the crackshot director that was hired from Arizona, or where ever? What happened to compassion? What happened to common sense?

She has called twice and only gets voicemail. She has emailed twice and gets NO response. I'm sure those babies are dead. Left in a cage to slowly starve. I'm outraged. How could humans do this to a helpless, defenseless kitten?

I suggested we go back and just take them out. Let them arrest us. I'd love for this to hit the news. We're going to try again tomorrow but I'm betting that they're dead. Victims of uncaring, unthinking humans.