Saturday, July 7, 2007

I have really great friends

Several years ago I celebrated a birthday and was given a surprise party at my favorite restaurant--Molly's La Casita on Madison. It wasn't a milestone birthday and yet my friends and family got together and gave me a little surprise. They pooled their money and gave me a mobile tool chest from Stanley. I want to thank them again and every time I use it. It's been on e of the best gifts I've ever received. I use it almost daily. I think of them every time I use it. Even though two of them have moved away, it keeps them very close to me and I cherish that.

Even when I'm working on and cussing that damn MG, I'm thinking about and loving my friends for this gift. I have really good friends and they are extremely appreciated. I don't always tell them but hope that I show them. I don't want them to doubt or forget.

You're all the best and you know who you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have my own mobile tool chest now - I use it for my promotions since I do not have an office at the casino. So, I know exactly how you feel about your mobile tool chest!

I'm glad to hear your MG is giving you fits but you're plodding along learning lots of patience, I might should come join you in that journey - it might help me learn a little patience as well.

Oh - how I miss you G.